Resources & Publications


Sectoral challenges and negative feelings experienced by Palestinians with disability in besieged Gaza during COVID-19 pandemic

Authored by Nazmi Al-Masri and fellow researcher, Bahaalddin M. A. Serhan, Islamic University of Gaza

Language & Intercultural Communication

Authored by Nazmi Al-Masri, with colleagues at the Islamic University of Gaza and University of Glasgow

Accessible and Inclusive Higher Education for Palestinian Students with Disability: Policies and Practices Review

Authored by Nazmi Al Masri, together with colleagues Alaa Aladini and Nesma Alghoula, Islamic University of Gaza

Development of online teaching expertise in fragile and conflict-affected contexts

Authored by Tahani Z. Aldahdouh, Nazmi Al-Masri, Sanaa Abou-Dagga & Alaa AlDahdouh

“Vulnerable” or Systematically Excluded? The Impact of Covid-19 on Disabled People in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

Authored by Vera Kubenz and Dina Kiwan, University of Birmingham

Academic Freedom and the Transnational Production of Knowledge

Authored by Dina Kiwan, University of Birmingham

The Limitations of Deinstitutionalization: The Case of the Israeli-Occupied Palestinian West Bank

Authored by Rita Giacaman,
Birzeit University

The Migration Advisory Committee (MAC), annual report 2022

Authored by Dina Kiwan, University of Birmingham

Dis/abled decolonial human and citizen futures

Authored by Dina Kiwan, University of Birmingham

Literature reviews

Disability in Jordan: A Literature and Practice Review

Authored by Mostafa Attia, Disability Inclusion Consultant & Trainer

The Limitations Conceptual Frameworks of Disability in the Occupied Palestinian Territory with a focus on the Palestinian legal and health systems

Authored by Rita Giacaman,
Birzeit University

Disability in Lebanon: A Literature and Practice Review

Authored by Wissam Marouche, Kate McAuliff & Maha Shuayb

Inclusive Education in Occupied Palestinian Territories

Authored by Nazmi Al-Masri, Islamic University of Gaza

Arts and Disability in Lebanon, the Occupied Palestinian Territories, and Jordan: A Literature and Practice Review

Authored by Anthony Downey, Ruth Gilligan, Rhéa Dagher, Yasmin Foqahaa, Mostafa Attia, & Bobby Beaumont

Arts and Disability in Occupied Palestinian Territories: A Literature and Practice Review – Summary

Authored by Anthony Downey, Ruth Gilligan, Rhéa Dagher, Yasmin Foqahaa, Mostafa Attia, & Bobby Beaumont

Arts and Disability in Jordan: A Literature and Practice Review – Summary

Authored by Anthony Downey, Ruth Gilligan, Rhéa Dagher, Yasmin Foqahaa, Mostafa Attia, & Bobby Beaumont

Arts and Disability in Lebanon: A Literature and Practice Review – Summary

Authored by Anthony Downey, Ruth Gilligan, Rhéa Dagher, Yasmin Foqahaa, Mostafa Attia, & Bobby Beaumont

Consultation papers

Inclusive Arts Practices in Jordan Consultation Workshop

Authored by Yasmin Foqahaa

Inclusive Arts Practices in Lebanon Consultation Workshop

Authored by Rhéa Dagher

Disability Arts and Culture Mapping (Lebanon, Jordan & Palestine)

Authored by Rhéa Dagher and Yasmin Foqahaa


Disability in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (West Bank and Gaza) Analysis Report

Authored by Rita Giacaman & Suzan Mitwalli, Birzeit University

Comparison of the 1999 Palestinian Disability Law and the Draft 2019 Palestinian Disability Law

Authored by Lina Abdul-Samad, Rita Giacaman & Reem Ladadwa, Birzeit University

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on disabled people in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A literature review

Authored by Vera Kubenz and Dina Kiwan, University of Birmingham

Impact of COVID-19 on Persons with Disabilities in Lebanon

Authored by Itab Shuayb, Centre for Lebanese Studies

Impact of COVID-19 on Persons with Disabilities in Jordan

Authored by Itab Shuayb, Centre for Lebanese Studies

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on disabled people in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A literature review

Authored by Vera Kubenz and Dina Kiwan, University of Birmingham

De-institutionalisation under Siege

Deinstitutionalisation of Palestinians with disability, orphans and elderly in Gaza

Authored by Nazmi Al- Masri, The Islamic University of Gaza

Deinstitutionalisation of individuals with disabilities in Lebanon

Authored by Itab Shuayb, Centre for Lebanese Studies

Dilemmas of deinstitutionalization globally and as applied to Palestinians in the Israeli occupied West Bank

Authored by Rita Giacaman, Birzeit University

The Experiences of Institutionalized Persons with Disabilities in the West Bank, Occupied Palestinian Territory: A Pilot Investigation

Authored by Shatha Abu Srour, Consultant, Institute of Community and Public Health, Birzeit University

Workshop and events materials

Introduction to the Disability under Siege Network by Professor Dina Kiwan
Decolonising knowledge on disability in contexts of conflict and crisis lecture, Professor Dina Kiwan
Challenges to inclusive education lecture by Dr Nazmi Al-Masri, Islamic University of Gaza
Intersecting crises in besieged Gaza lecture by Dr Nazmi Al-Masri, Islamic University of Gaza
Life Cycle and the story of inclusive design, Centre for Lebanese Studies
All means All! How to support inclusive education and learning during times of crisis, Centre for Lebanese Studies
Innovative methods for researching disability workshop. Keynote speaker Ola Abu Alghaib (UNPRPD)
Innovative methods workshop: Working with people with disabilities as co-researchers
Innovative methods workshop 2B: Conducting research with children with disabilities
The impact of Covid-19 on persons with disabilities in Lebanon, Palestine & Jordan
Innovative methods workshop: Partnering with Disabled People’s Organisations
Innovative methods workshop
: Researching disability in a pandemic and other crises
Analytical framework for a disability-inclusive from Covid-19, by Vera Kubenz
#DisabledVoicesfromGaza, Nazmi Al-Masri, The Islamic University of Gaza and Iain Overton, Action on Armed Violence
Voices from Palestine: the lives of people with disabilities under occupation and war


Shaima’s story – I couldn’t see as before (In Arabic, with English subtitles)
Shireen’s story – a testimony from Gaza about the condition of people with disabilities in the Strip (In English, with English subtitles)
Nesma’s story – we have lost all the necessities of life
(In Arabic, with English subtitles)
Shireen’s story – what does it mean to be ‘displaced’ in UNRWA schools? (In Arabic, with English subtitles)
Mayssoun’s story (In Arabic, with English subtitles)
Imad’s story – reflections of a #DisabledVoicesfromGaza participant (In English, with English subtitles)
Imad’s story – Everything we built is gone and just memories remain (In English, with English subtitles)
Arwa’s story – I desperately hope for an end to this dialysis nightmare (In Arabic, with English subtitles)
Zeina’s story – we live in constant fear and hunger (In Arabic, with English subtitles)
Hiba’s story – a Palestinian woman in Gaza with visual and hearing impairment (In Arabic, with English subtitles)

Hanadi’s story – a true story of a Palestinian young woman with a disability living in Gaza Strip (In English, with Arabic subtitles)
Naheel’s Story – the challenge faced by a woman with a physical disability in the Gaza Strip (In Arabic, with English subtitles)
Ghada’s story – The longest nightmare in the life of every Gazan (In Arabic, with English subtitles)
Sherin’s story – The hardest thing that can happen to a person (In Arabic, with English subtitles)

Protection of Persons with Disabilities, October 2023